Jackson Hole nearly sweeps 2019 IMD awards

Jackson Hole Ski Club head coach and IMD Official of the Year Branko Zagar shoots photo of the hardware. Also on hand for the photo shoot ware Coach of the Year Kevin Keane of Jackson, Tyson Henrie of Sundance, Mark Wedeking of Bogus Basin and Troy Price of Rowmark.

The Jackson Hole Ski Club captured three of four Intermountain Division end-of-season awards Wednesday, 5/29/2019.

The only award not going to Jackson was the Alan Hayes Scholar of the Year Award which was won by Jacob Bleil of Rowmark.

Coach of the year went to Jackson coach Kevin Keane.

Official of the Year went to Jackson’s head coach Branko Zagar.

Volunteer of the Year went to long-time Jackson Timing and Calculations guru Sue Bybee.

A new award was announced at the awards banquet in Wendover, NV. It is the Steve Bounous Excellence in Skiing Award. It will go to an upper level skier in IMD who is nominated by FIS level coaches and decided by a board of coaches and ski racing professionals. The award will include money to help with expenses incurred by upper level athletes. The award is named after retiring Snowboard Head Coach and Executive Director Steve Bounous.

Macuga, Smith make U.S. Ski Team

Lauren Macuga of Park City Ski and Snowboard and Jack Smith of Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation have been nominated to the U.S. Alpine Development Team. Congratulations Lauren and Jack.

They join several other IMD competitors currently on the U.S. Ski Team: Park City’s Ted Ligety and Steven Nyman, Rowmark’s Breezy Johnson and Snowbird’s Jared Goldberg.

See the complete story on the U.S. Ski and Snowboard website:


Hey, what happened to all of the AO training material?

If you have been a frequent visitor to the Alpine 101 Forums (https://www.imdalpine.org/alpine101/forum/) you will notice that all of the alpine official training documents have been removed.

They are gone because the Alpine Officials Education Working Group updates all of those documents every year and the lifetime of a set of documents ends May 31 of each year.

The updated training and race documents will start to show up in late October and November.

We will let you know when they are available via a news item at that time.


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